Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Rain Showers are Stronger Than the Actual Shower

Right now as we are writing this post we are looking out on one of the rain storms that hit Phnom Penh each day. When we say rain storm it is not what we were used to in CO, but one that just dumps buckets and buckets of water on the city. Raining season here is from May to October but the heaviest of months are August and September. In our time here we have seen streets flood more than we have seen them not (well at least it feels that way when we are driving).

Last Sunday we blogged about having more and more of a mundane life (which is true), but right after we posted that, we left for the store to go get some groceries. While shopping the rains came and started to pour down as usual. We finished shopping and decided to wait it out for about 30 minutes, however, there seemed to be no lessening of the rain. So we decided to leave and starting driving because the streets were only filling up more each minute that passed. Not but just two minutes after hopping on our moto, did we get stuck in the water and have to get off and push the moto. At this point we are mid-calf, and at some points knee deep in water, (and by water I mean the mix of the rain and the elements of the street that are floating in it making it a far from clean dark brown) wondering what we should do. But we found higher ground, hopped back on, and drove home safely. So the mundane life was lost last Sunday, but in the mean time we love how the rain cools off the day.


This is the street right outside our gate.

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