Friday, April 8, 2011

Luke 2:52: Scripture told me to buy a bike!

I bought a bike. I am not saying that as a random, disconnected comment but I am saying that out of pure excitement. One of the great things about Cambodia, in terms of riding around on a mountain bike, is that very few roads are paved. My daily commute from work is often spent riding around on dirt roads that will eventually lead me home. It is great. The bike for me here is not just a bike, it is another way of achieving a goal that I will explain.

Last year my buddy Taylor showed me a verse in Luke. It states that "Jesus grew in wisdom, strength and favor in God and men." I had probably skipped over this verse many times, it is the end of a section and does not seem to pertain to either the scripture before it or after. Taylor, without knowing it, had turned me on to something brilliant.

In my mind and in my actions, a perfect day would be to complete all of those tasks. Like Jesus, if we used our days to grow in wisdom, educating ourselves and spending time learning and using our brains, if we grew in stature, spending some of our day working out, running or exercising in some way and working to gain favor with God and with men through prayer, reading and having quality conversations, I would say that is a perfect day.

When I wake up, I challenge myself to complete these three daily tasks. Sometimes this means going for a run  or a  ride on my new awesome bike,  when I want to watch T.V. Reading the bible when I want to read Outside Magazine. Engaging in a conversation with Leanne or emailing friends when I want to complete my to-do list  or engaging in intellectual tasks, like learning Khmer, that are strenuous and difficult. I do not do it everyday, obviously. Actually, rarely do I complete all of them, but the goal is there nonetheless. This daily goal has served as a great challenge for me in Cambodia as I desire to live a balanced life of strength, wisdom and favor with God and men.

We are off to Malaysia for the next nine days. Tough I know. So we will update you with pictures and stories upon our return. We will be climbing a 13,000 foot mountain and I know our lungs are not what they used to be... it will be interesting.


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