Monday, November 5, 2012


Have you ever been around someone so special that when you walk away you feel like you are a better person because you were with them?  Have you ever been so inspired by someone that you just hope one day you could be like them?

We have encountered that everyday for the past two weeks with our dear friends Ryan and Angie Ketchum.

Angie and Ryan moved to Cambodia last year for Ryan to teach at Logos, and for Angie to finish in Masters in Nursing Education.  Before that they lived in India for 3 years teaching at another school and working as a nurse.  They have four girls, who are even cooler than Angie and Ryan are.

Well, about 2 weeks ago Angie was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at a local clinic here in Phnom Penh. About a week later her and Ryan had to leave to go to Bangkok to get further testing and see if surgery was needed.  It was confirmed she had cancer and now is still there waiting on her treatment and care.  They have had to leave their girls for the past two weeks, and face the scary world of cancer far away from home in America and from home in Cambodia.

But they continue to inspire us as they teach us about waiting on the Lord, about faith in His sovereignty, about trusting God's crazy plan for our lives, about peace in the midst of a storm.  They are faithful followers, loving parents, and friends who can make us laugh and cry all in one coffee date.

If you want to be inspired read this blog.  I know there is tons of stuff out there to read, but this will bless your heart.

Please pray for them, and for their poor girls who have to be under our care while Angie and Ryan are gone.  Last night we came up with the "Top 10 of the first week with the DeRemers"  here they are:

1.) Mr. D burning is foot trying to use the brake on the razor scooter.
2.) Make your own pizza night.
3.) Megann (2 years old) calling us Mommy and Daddy Dreamer.
4.) Mr. D catching the soccer ball on the back of his neck then kicking it afterwards.
5.) Mrs. D's dance moves, which the girls still can't master.
6.) Finding "Otter Pops" in Cambodia.
7.) Getting to Ride in the Tico.
8.) Brenna's (11 years) epic basketball tournament.
9.) Making fall acorn treats and Mr. D's quesdillas (he perfected the art in college).
10.) Skyping with Angie and Ryan.

Have you ever told the person who inspires you what they mean to you?


  1. So glad Angie and Ryan have you guys to take care of the girls! I smiled at momma daddy Dreamer.

  2. And YOU are very inspiring! So glad you've been there for the girls.

  3. Dear DeRemer's, thank you for your care for Ryan, Angela, and our precious granddaughters. We thank the Lord for you! Daniel and Carol
