Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bucket List

Bucket Lists. “We all have a bucket list – whether it is written down or tucked somewhere in the back of our mind just waiting for the right moment to transition over to ink on paper.” I read this quote recently and also read about this topic not along ago. My interest was spiked, because yes I think it is true, we all desire to check those magical things off our list.

When I read about it was defined as “a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.”

As I have been learning about Thankfulness for the past several years, I came to find that it contradicts everything about being filled with gratitude. It is counting a list of hopes and wants instead of list of experiences I can be thankful for.

It is hard to manage a never-ending list of want-tos and have-tos, when a growing list of thanks-for-this-experience should just flow out of us naturally. Or so you would think?

Why is it that I want more and more to fill my bucket, when I haven’t even thanked God for all the ways He’s already filled my cup?

If the height of our joy is dependent on the depth of our thanks then the exhilaration isn’t in fulfilling our bucket list experiences, but in exalting Christ in all He has given us.

Here is what I read, that struck me as I always thought about my bucket list, “The best lives don’t have Bucket Lists as much as they have Empty Bucket lists. Because the thing is when I kick the bucket, I don’t want there to be anything left in my bucket. When I kick the bucket, I want the bucket to be rightfully empty.”

I am still learning, but I do know that I don’t want my life to be how I took experiences — but that I gave exceedingly. I hope I can be defined by what I poured out, that I was part of giving. Because I am hoping that my life is not about trying to fill my life up — but trying to spill my life out.

The bucket list article went on to say, “Where do you want to go?” What do you want to see — and, most important, with whom? Then just do it! Figure out a way to make it happen, and 20 years from now, you will not be disappointed. As we have the opportunity to check items off the list, not only are we given fantastic stories to share, but we also gain memories that will last a lifetime.”

Though not totally off base, the question I then thought about is really not what do you want to see — but who do you want to serve — and yes, most importantly, for Whom do you do that for?

As I read more about this woman’s thoughts on bucket lists I began to agree with all she said, “Figure out a way to make sacrifice happen — and an eternity from now, you won’t be disappointed. Because not only have we been given the most fantastic story of Grace to share, but the only thing worth gaining is the memory of the giving of yourself — and that will outlast time.”

A bucket list of merely exploring? Why not live a bigger, greater life — an empty bucket list of expending. When my cup’s already full of the blessings of God, I guess I don’t need a bucket list anymore...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Leanne! I really like this a lot! I love when you said that we should naturally have a growing list of thanks-for-this-experience coming from us and being mindful that most of the time I haven’t even thanked God for all the ways He’s already filled my cup. So good and convicting! It stems a lot from that book One Thousand Gifts you shared awhile back! We have so much to be thankful for! And no need for a list of things to accomplish that only benefit ourselves and our desires. Great things to think about!
