Friday, September 9, 2011

Contrast of Days

Often when we email or Skype with people our story of how things are going can sway from month to month, week to week, or even day to day.  That is how I have felt this past week.  On Monday afternoon my wallet was stolen just outside of our house.  I don't know how it happened, but it is part of life here, unfortunately.  I was really mad at first, and honestly outright confused on how it could of happened, then I became sad, and then to feeling really defeated.

To make it worse, on Tuesday the Cambodian who had my wallet called to tell me he found my wallet with all my ID cards and belongings, and asked what reward I would give him to return the wallet (even after all the money was taken out).  I told to come to Chris' school and we could talk about the reward.  Well, that was not enough of an incentive for him, so to this day he remains with my wallet.  This left me bitter and angry as to why someone could not just return the items that didn't belong to them after calling the person to let them know they were found.

After talking through this whole event with Chris and other friends, they prayed for protection and strength to keep going despite the feeling of being defeated.  We prayed that God continues to give us the ability to be forgiving toward others, thankful for what we have, and encouraged by the endurance and strength that Christ gives us in days like these. 

Days before my wallet was stolen I read this quote, "When the problems before you seem to loom larger than the Power behind you, the purpose in living can fall right out from underneath of you."  God obviously intended me to read this and begin to mediate on it as it would become something I would need to face very soon.  If I (or we) forget about the Power behind us, we allow God to be stripped of His goodness, and evil to overcome. 

As I write this blog post we are at a staff retreat in Sihanoukville, the beach town in Cambodia and enjoying wonderful time of fellowship, worship, and hearing words of encouragement from our guest speaker.  Last night he spoke on how God provides for us, and how fitting it was for me to hear those words.  Some of my favorite things were: "God is not stingy and cheap, but gives generously to provide for our everyday needs.  That if God sends you, He will provide for you, and not provide when you just need it, but provide for your everyday needs."  (1 Kings 17:1-20)

What a contrast of days, God will provide for my needs, our needs, your needs we have to trust in that and continue to live a life a gratitude and thankfullness.  To be generous when we want to hoard because we feel we deserve it due to things that have happened.  And to give because nothing is truly ours to keep (even wallets).

Please continue to pray for us in the daily struggles we face in living in a country where rewards drive generosity, greed overrides love for others, and Christ is not known.  Please also pray I can live out the truth I am learning:

"I simply need have a grateful heart to give Him glory."
Gratitude in all things is the only thing God asks."
Can I take each seeming problem and turn it back to praise?"

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