Friday, January 25, 2013

Cristiano Ronaldo or Gangnam Style?

This past Tuesday we had three volunteers come out to give haircuts to all the students at our Prek Pneu site.  One woman is a hairdresser from Canada, and gave a haircut to any student who wanted one, which was about 50-60 students (all in one day!).  The other two volunteers, myself, and our Project Coordinator gave lice killing shampoo treatments to each student.  At the school here, 90% of children have lice (and a good amount of it) so we gave them one of their series of treatments and taught lessons on how to not transfer it and protect yourself from getting it again.

Though lice is not the biggest issue here, we are happy to help give some comfort relief to our students and continue to teach them better hygiene practices.  

After everyone was shampooed and brushed they got a quick haircut.  The boys all either wanted to look like soccer super star, Cristiano Ronaldo, or have Gangnam style.  So in doing translation we just came to the point of asking the boys "do you want Ronaldo or Gangnam?"

Oh the things you learn to say in Khmer...

1 comment:

  1. That is great! Love those pictures, and love that they wanted to look like the gangnam style guy! What about the girls? Who did they want to look like?
