The Deremers from Stuart Atkins on Vimeo.
The time has come again for Leanne and I to ask our community, friends, family and extended network for the financial support that is essential for us to continue living and working in Cambodia.
We have been so blessed with the generous support of many people thus far, but we are still asking that people connected to us think and pray about supporting us and our work in Cambodia through 2012.
At this point in our fundraising, we are asking for partners to donate on a monthly basis or a one-time gifts as follows:
- Two people supporting us with a one-time gift of $1200 or $100 per month.
- Four people supporting us with a one-time gift of $600 or $50 per month.
- Twenty-five people supporting us with a one-time gift of $240 or $20 per month.
We know that finances can be tight and finding the money to give can be difficult but we ask that you consider supporting us as we work at Logos, with 2Five2 and Cambodia Bike Project here in Cambodia.
If you have any questions about the donation process, please feel free to email either of us at: or
For instructions on how to donate, click the "donate" button in the upper left of your screen or visit
Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and consideration as you partner with us and our work in Cambodia.